iPhone App Directory

Ableton live looping ipad modrum Juno 106 CZ-101 Hohner String performer

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BeatMakerTV: Korg Monotron Miditron Tease

Via BeatMakerTV.

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KORG WAVEDRUM Mini [Sensor Clip]

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50in1 Piano still on sale

Thanks to iOS Musician for the reminder that this app is still on sale with the price down to $0.99 from $1.99.

50in1 Piano - Alexander Gross

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GarageBand para iPad e Mac

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Last day of Groovemaker 50% off sale

I know I've posted about this before, but if you were waiting until the last minute, then this is it. The IK sale ends today.

IK Multimedia

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ORGAN+ Update

A nice update for Organ+ from Yonac. Here's what's new:
  • Added USB Midi support for M-Audio KeyStudio 25, and related Midi controllers
  • Fixed the "dead key" bug
  • Vastly improved response, and reduced latency to near 0
  • Graceful handling of app session interruptions
  • A more robust audio output engine
Organ+ - Yonac

iPads at the Apple Store

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BS-16i update

BS-16i now includes velocity sensing for external keyboards. Nice update.

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Miditron looking very cool ...

Nice work from BeatMakerTV! Take a looking at the BeatMakerTV blog for more pictures and info.

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synthicity itself demo

Synthicity Itself - Henry Lowengard

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Concretedog: z16

I've wondered about the z16 for a while, so it's good to see Concretedog's views.

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Yay, Curtis Manual for iPad arrives!

Thank you Strange Agency!

They've released a manual for Curtis for iPad. Great news via their blog.

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SAS-4As for iPhone - Video

Sorry, earlier post should have included this video as well.

SAS-4As - Music Device Project

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SAS-4As for iPhone arrives

A new virtual analogue synth for iPhone/Touch arrives from the maker of the other SAS iPad apps. There's very little info on the app except for this:
  • 4 voice
  • oscillator x2
  • low pass filter 24db/oct
  • filter ADSR
  • amp ADSR
  • LFO
  • auto arpeggio
  • delay
  • mono/poly alt
  • 32 program
The app is priced at $1.99

SAS-4As - Music Device Project

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MIDIMe update

MidiMe gets an update and goes universal too. Here's the other stuff it gets too:
  • Preset save and recall
  • Global pause
  • Refined UI
  • Improved frame rate
  • Single tape to clear recording
Still priced at just $4.99

MidiMe - Burgerkone

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What I'm up to today

I posted these to instagram earlier, but they're here now as well. Just the kind of thing I do get up to on a back

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Tympanum still coming ...

This tweet from miniMusic:

It's no fun posting when things aren't going as planned: recording is killing performance. Hope it'll be worked out next week!

We wait ...

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SunVox: true 1bit sound

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Connecting Performer - Native Instruments Reaktor

Connecting Performer - Native Instruments Reaktor from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.

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Connecting Performer - Ableton Live

Connecting Performer - Ableton Live from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.

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Thumbjam and RJDJ

A bit more messing around with ThumbJam and RJDJ.

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Cue Play DJ 1.6.5 details

In fact, details of 1.6.5 and also 1.7 from the Modern DJ.

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Aphonium price drop

There's been no activity on this app for ages now and it has just dropped in price from $5.99 to $3.99. However, I don't know about whether or not it is compatible with the latest versions of the OS or not.

Aphonium - Riada International Pty. Ltd.

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A little Sinusoid update

I'm a bit confused by this one as it now says it is iOS 4 compatible, but I thought it was already.
    Sinusoid - Erik Sigth

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    Horizon Synth for iPad: Sneak Screen Shot

    I think I tweeted this yesterday, but if you missed it here's the screen shot of the new synth from Beepstreet.

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    More messing about with music tech

    iPhone, iPad, and NSP Break Out Box. Great fun all round!

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    Odds and Ends by Peter Van Siclen

    Odds and Ends by Peter Van Siclen

    iPhone (Beatmaker 1), Gameboy (LSDJ) & Akai EWI 4000s

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    Conectando Acessórios Musicais ao iPad com o CCK e Hub USB

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    Question about WIST

    Anyone know, or more likely hazard a guess why it is when you switch WIST on the iElectribe or iMS-20 it says it is searching for other 'iPod Touches, iPads, and iPhones'?

    Am I missing something? Surely these apps are iPad only?

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