iPhone App Directory

Monnix (universal) arrives

Monnix looks interesting. It arrived a few days ago, but it does have the kind of interface that I generally like the look of.

Here's the app details:

Is that a cat's meow, a vocodered scream or an out of control robot? What kind of strange sounds could you make with Monnix? This live performance synthesizer uses three points of touch to control the distribution of up to 16 harmonics, allowing for unique sound effects. Movements can be played back in the Replay page and the pitch altered by tilting the device forward. The Sample & Hold screen freezes the partials according to the selected tempo. FM ratio, jitter and envelope parameters can be set in the remaining pages, allowing for a wide variety of sonic mayhem. Whether you need something extra for your next experimental concert, or you just like to have fun making weird noises, Monnix has something to offer you.

Monnix costs $2.99.

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