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Zero input 1 (from me)

Made using AUFX:Space, AUFX:Dub, into AudioShare. Zero input. A huge thank you to Kymatica for explaining to me how to do it.


Unknown said...

Wow. Super cool.

Unknown said...

Wow. Super cool.

Anonymous said...

nice Ashley. could you explain how you did it?

Anonymous said...

And thank you ashley for passing the knowledge on to us?
Sharing is caring u know..;)

Anonymous said...

Pls explain the basics... Now that would be a nice contribution to the world of mobile music;) we are obviously also supporting kymatica;)

ashley said...

I will try and do a video showing how it is done. It might take me a little while to get to it, but it's on my to do list.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, thx ash:)

Cant you explain it in 5 sentences or less?;)

Nywho, thx again:)