iPhone App Directory

Zero input 1 (from me)

Made using AUFX:Space, AUFX:Dub, into AudioShare. Zero input. A huge thank you to Kymatica for explaining to me how to do it.


  1. Anonymous1:46 am

    nice Ashley. could you explain how you did it?

  2. Anonymous10:37 am

    And thank you ashley for passing the knowledge on to us?
    Sharing is caring u know..;)

  3. Anonymous11:37 am

    Pls explain the basics... Now that would be a nice contribution to the world of mobile music;) we are obviously also supporting kymatica;)

  4. I will try and do a video showing how it is done. It might take me a little while to get to it, but it's on my to do list.

  5. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Sweet, thx ash:)

    Cant you explain it in 5 sentences or less?;)

    Nywho, thx again:)


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