iPhone App Directory

What's the worst app you ever bought?

There are great apps, not so great apps, average apps, and then the ones that are terrible. What's the worst app you ever bought and why was it just so bad?


Anonymous said...

Beat Pad
( & eDrops Pro)

Anonymous said...

The first few apps I ever bought were made by an exciting company called Amidio. Zero updates and non-existent customer support means I'll never buy anything from them again. There are so many truly excellent developers for iOS now, that continue to develop their apps after release, that I'm spoilt for choice, so I haven't bought a duff app since then. So if I've learnt anything from them, it is to choose carefully and spend time getting to know how to use it properly.
Here endeth the sermon.

Anonymous said...

MusicReader PDF 4.0 for iOS and Windows is hands down the most poorly written, bug infested, ugly interface, bad implementation, dysfunctional piece of software I have purchased in my 30 years working with computers and software. It simply should not be on the market. Stay away from MusicReader.Net.

Anonymous said...

The worst for me was Akaï Synthstation. I bought it (8 euros!!!) eyes closed because it was Akai and the app was promising, I was so disappointed...
What a shame Akaï...

Anonymous said...

Borderlands - it looked so promising but has not been updated for over a year.
