SunVox v1.7.2 BETA 2 is released
The beta for Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Windows, OSX, and Linux. Here's what is new:
- added eight layers for the modules; for example you can place some complicated drum chain on the first layer, and all other synths - on the second layer; layers can be visible together or separately;
- new function "Scale" in the Module menu: use it if you want a smaller or bigger module size for the current project;
- "Ignore velocity" option added to the Preferences->MIDI;
- new controller in the Reverb module - "All-pass filter"; use it to enable/disable output all-pass filter;
- new controller in the Reverb module - "Room size";
- added autorepeat mode for the following buttons: HLD (clear current note), OFF (insert Note OFF), INS (insert), BCK (backspace);
- several bugs fixed.
Run Android Apps on Mac (or Windows)
So this might be a way to at least try a few apps without having to pay out for an actual device. The bluestacks software is now available for both Windows and Mac.
You can find the software here.
You can find the software here.
PocketBand (previously uLoops) version 3.3 released
19 New Synth Instruments:
19 New Synth Instruments:
- Bass: Deep Low
- Lead: Eraser Head, Throat Trace
- Bitcrushed:
- Spectrum Alert (free)
- Hide Force (free)
- Fried Bass
- Fury Bass
- 5 bits Razor Lead
- 8 bits Fanfare
- Desert Landing
- Computer Flutes
- Crushed Bells
- 8 bits Low
- Stereo Pads:
- Byte Fountain (free)
- Midnight Heat
- Heat Wave
- Starship Skyline
- Random Low
- Invisible Water
Arduino’s Massimo Banzi’s TED Talk
I know that this isn't really strictly mobile music related. In fact it isn't at all, but I know that there are a few people who'll be interested in it, so I thought I'd post it.
BleepLabs & the Transistor Bass
BleepLabs & the Transistor Bass from maurice.rebell on Vimeo.
".. i put a Thingamagoop 2 into the Filter Audio input of my x0xb0x and that Noise came out of it ... "
MultiTrack DAW updates with 24 bit recording and more
Here's what's new in version 3.1.6:
24 bit recording capable! And 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz supported! New projects can now be created with 16 bit or 24 bit, and one of these sample rates. Use the Options menu from the song list screen to choose the format for a new song project. 24 bit projects will use 64 bits for internal signal processing. All imported/recorded audio will be converted to match the song project format, if needed. (**)
New "Open In…" button for Regions, Bins, and Mixdowns. This gives you another way to get audio out of MultiTrack and into another app, like DropBox or other sharing apps.
Improved background support, double tap the Home button for audio controls that can now be used to control MultiTrack.
Internal Dithering for all volume controls. Even when a project is set for 16 bit, 24 bit is requested from the audio hardware and then dithered, resulting in a cleaner signal than the default 16 bit non-dithered signal. (**)
Bit transparency. When volume faders are set to 0dB and FX off, there will be no signal processing, resulting in 100% clean signal transparency throughout the system from input to output (no losses or added distortion).
Song project folders are now unhidden in the Documents folder of iTunes File Sharing, for easy backup of songs. To Backup a song, drag the song out of the Documents folder. To restore a backed up project, zip it and and drag it back to the Documents folder.
Full support for zipping and unzipping a song project from within MultiTrack (Touch-hold a song icon to zip the song, tap a zipped song to unzip).
(**) requires iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen, iPad, or later, external audio hardware (see website for details)
24 bit recording capable! And 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz supported! New projects can now be created with 16 bit or 24 bit, and one of these sample rates. Use the Options menu from the song list screen to choose the format for a new song project. 24 bit projects will use 64 bits for internal signal processing. All imported/recorded audio will be converted to match the song project format, if needed. (**)
New "Open In…" button for Regions, Bins, and Mixdowns. This gives you another way to get audio out of MultiTrack and into another app, like DropBox or other sharing apps.
Improved background support, double tap the Home button for audio controls that can now be used to control MultiTrack.
Internal Dithering for all volume controls. Even when a project is set for 16 bit, 24 bit is requested from the audio hardware and then dithered, resulting in a cleaner signal than the default 16 bit non-dithered signal. (**)
Bit transparency. When volume faders are set to 0dB and FX off, there will be no signal processing, resulting in 100% clean signal transparency throughout the system from input to output (no losses or added distortion).
Song project folders are now unhidden in the Documents folder of iTunes File Sharing, for easy backup of songs. To Backup a song, drag the song out of the Documents folder. To restore a backed up project, zip it and and drag it back to the Documents folder.
Full support for zipping and unzipping a song project from within MultiTrack (Touch-hold a song icon to zip the song, tap a zipped song to unzip).
(**) requires iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen, iPad, or later, external audio hardware (see website for details)

Miselu Neiro Google IO update
I have to admit that I'd almost forgotten about this device, so it's great to see it pop up at Google's IO Conference.
Via Wire to the ear.
Yamaha Synth Arp & Drum Pad for iPad (via Matrixsynth)
Interesting post over at Matrixsynth about a new synth / drum app from Yamaha. Looking at the pictures of it though it doesn't appear to be anything really new, but perhaps I should reserve opinion until it actually comes to the UK. It's only in Japan for now.
Anyway, you can read the whole thing over at Matrixsynth.
Anyway, you can read the whole thing over at Matrixsynth.
Ambika is open source
If you're interested in the code for Mutable Instrument's new Ambika synth, you can find it here, and as Olivier says, it is all open source.
Brett Domino Trio: 'Sexy and I Know It' (LMFAO Cover)
Brett Domino and Steven Peavis cover LMFAO's smash hit using only a MicroKORG, Mini Kaoss Pad II, and Kaossilator II.
Tabletop Set from Morac
"... For everyone who missed the Tabletop set Monday night, here's a snippet of what you would have heard."
Via the Retronyms blog.

An excellent and expansive review of GuitarJack 2 from iPad Creative
If you're thinking about the GuitarJack and just can't decide whether or not to get it then you could do a great deal worse than taking a look at this excellent piece from iPad Creative which takes an in depth look at the hardware and supporting software.
A new post at TouchProducer, about MPC Fly
So, I didn't expect that at all. A new post over at Touchproducer with some thoughts on the MPC Fly.
TC11 connected to a Buchla
"Inter-App Audio" will pose no threat to AudioBus
I can't reveal how I got this information, and I can't reveal the name of the person who's confirmed it, although I can say that this confirmation is from an Apple employee.
They've confirmed that there is no feature in iOS 6 that can be described by the phrase "inter-app audio", and go on to sympathize with the lack of support for multiple application audio in iOS.
This says to me that the whole inter-app audio thing isn't going to get in the way of what AudioBus are trying to achieve, mainly because it would appear that this isn't something Apple are looking to get involved with. Yet!
Let's see how this pans out, and a huge thank you to the person who informed me.
They've confirmed that there is no feature in iOS 6 that can be described by the phrase "inter-app audio", and go on to sympathize with the lack of support for multiple application audio in iOS.
This says to me that the whole inter-app audio thing isn't going to get in the way of what AudioBus are trying to achieve, mainly because it would appear that this isn't something Apple are looking to get involved with. Yet!
Let's see how this pans out, and a huge thank you to the person who informed me.
Love the latest version of this #mobilemusic #guesstheapp

via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/MaFgN-zFPE/
Symphonix Evolution Version 1.91 Release
A new version of Symphonix Evolution has been released. Version 1.91 has the following changes:
- Songs may now be exported to MusicXML format for use in other notation applications
- It is now possible to group songs into Play Lists
- Added Delete track button to the Track Summary view
- Added "Move Up/Move Down" buttons to the Track Summary view for changing track order
- Chord Builder now allows chords to be added to the score as Notation, Text (Chord Name Only) or Guitar Fret Diagram
- When pausing song playback, the current position is now selected automatically, allowing playback to resume from that position by pressing Play again
- The track name could display as garbage in the Track Summary view if no mapping for an instrument in a song could be found
- Saving over an existing file in Dropbox resulted in a duplicate file with (1) at the end of the name instead of replacing the old file
- Beamed notes could display incorrectly after using the Copy/Paste function
- Fixed various issues with the Virtual MIDI implementation and background play
- The Clear function on the main toolbar now leaves measures, key changes and time signature changes in place, and only deletes notation

MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah
Not your average app, and not something that many are going to be useful to many people, and yet, I know that personally I really wanted a mssiah but knew that I wouldn't use it, and as such I'd have no use for this app.
Anyway, here's what it's all about:
MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah
The Mssiah is a Midi cardridge for the Commodore C64. With this app you can easily control the mono synthesizer component of Mssiah via a midi connection.
- load/save patches
- generate random patches
- share your patches with your friends (itunes file sharing enabled)
** this is not an official 8bitventures app **
** this is just a little homemade project to support the mssiah community **

BeatMaker 2.3 full feature list
In case you missed it earlier on twitter, here's what's coming, and I've been playing with it, and it is amazing ...
New features
New features
- Audio tracks with disk streaming support
- Support for USB class audio interfaces on iPad via Camera Connection Kit
- Record up to 8 audio tracks simultaneously (current iOS limitation)
- Gain and noise gate on audio inputs
- Sample drag'n'drop on drum machine via "Quick Load" feature
- Event recording is now allowed anywhere in the app
- Patterns can be dragged directly on the song editor
- Sample streaming in drum and keyboard samplers (samples are not loaded in RAM)
- Automatic audition of samples in browser
- New auto-loop mode for pads (quantized)
- Revamped iPod Library import
- Sustain pedal is now supported in the keyboard sampler and is editable in the pattern editor
- Keyboard sampler now supports layers
- Revamped sampler mapping editor
- Retina graphic content for the 3rd generation iPad
- Receive MIDI clock messages for tempo synchronization
- App Settings: Added OMNI and input clock
- More automatizable parameters: Auto-pan sync and sync toggle / Effects bypass / LFO sync rate / Invert ADSR / Tune, Fine-Tune / Filter key / Pads reverse and mute / Mixer track mute and solo / Sustain pedal
- Fix crash when resetting auto-scale on an empty pads
- Fix noise when looping very small samples
- Fix issue with installing BeatMaker 1 'bmkz' files
- Fix sampling rate issue with some accessories (ie. Apple Digital AV Adapter)
- Fix behavior of MIDI virtual input ports
- Install BMKZ kits when using Dropbox
- Other minor fixes and engine improvements
- Update to Dropbox SDK v1.2.2
- Improve preset/projects file format (quicker load/save)

Audio Steam, augmented audio meets steam punk
I like the cross over of this app. It feels steam punk-ish and has a very interesting approach to real time audio manipulation. On balance I prefer Ariel's AriVibes app, but this is good too, and beautiful to look at. Reminds me of Myst and Riven if you've ever played those games.
Personally I suggest you check out both if augmented audio is your thing, but that's just my view.

HHH are making a book!
Fantastic news, Handheld Hollywood is going to be producing a book all about making films using, yep, you guessed. Handhelds. I'm guessing this will be largely iOS devices and maybe some Android too.
Anyway, it's excellent news and I can't wait for it to be released. You can find out loads more about the book at HHH.
Anyway, it's excellent news and I can't wait for it to be released. You can find out loads more about the book at HHH.
s Little Endian updates SpectrumWorx™ SDKs to version
I don't know if this is really of any interest to anyone, but I thought it might be useful for developers. Here's the press release:
Little Endian today announced the release of SpectrumWorx™ Complete and SpectrumWorx™ Pitch Shifter SDKs version 1.5 for iOS, OS X and Windows. The Complete SDK contains one new module, Octaver, and both SDKs contain performance and sound quality improvements. This release significantly reduces memory consumption.
SpectrumWorx™ SDKs enable software developers to easily and efficiently implement vast amount of frequency-domain sound effects in their applications. The SDKs has small footprint, but high performance and low memory usage. The API enables effect chaining – with over fifty effects to choose from, there are countless possibilities for sound manipulation.
The SDKs are available for evaluation and purchase immediately; interested parties are encouraged to file a request via Little Endain’s Developers web page (littleendian.com\developers).
Little Endian was founded in 2006 by a group of computer science professionals with strong background in digital signal processing. In 2009 Little Endian entered the long-desired audio effects territory by acquiring Delaydots, a successfull provider of spectral processing audio effects. In July 2010 Little Endian released its first product, SpectrumWorx VST plug-in for Windows. Little Endian aims to create a dynamic community of both enthusiasts and experts based on intelligence, creativity and passion for all that is possible with digital media. For more information visit www.littleendian.com.
Little Endian today announced the release of SpectrumWorx™ Complete and SpectrumWorx™ Pitch Shifter SDKs version 1.5 for iOS, OS X and Windows. The Complete SDK contains one new module, Octaver, and both SDKs contain performance and sound quality improvements. This release significantly reduces memory consumption.
SpectrumWorx™ SDKs enable software developers to easily and efficiently implement vast amount of frequency-domain sound effects in their applications. The SDKs has small footprint, but high performance and low memory usage. The API enables effect chaining – with over fifty effects to choose from, there are countless possibilities for sound manipulation.
The SDKs are available for evaluation and purchase immediately; interested parties are encouraged to file a request via Little Endain’s Developers web page (littleendian.com\developers).
- Sophisticated engine optimized for low CPU and memory usage.
- Over fifty micro-effects (pitch shifter, classic vocoder, freeze, wah-wah, robotizer, autotune, reverser, etc.).
- Micro-effect chaining support.
- External audio support.
- Detailed documentation.
Little Endian was founded in 2006 by a group of computer science professionals with strong background in digital signal processing. In 2009 Little Endian entered the long-desired audio effects territory by acquiring Delaydots, a successfull provider of spectral processing audio effects. In July 2010 Little Endian released its first product, SpectrumWorx VST plug-in for Windows. Little Endian aims to create a dynamic community of both enthusiasts and experts based on intelligence, creativity and passion for all that is possible with digital media. For more information visit www.littleendian.com.
Ambika's Story, all about the new synth from Mutable
A very detailed post from Mutable all about the new synth and how it came out. Certainly worth a read.
App Cloud Dual Screen Demo
Now, whilst I have to admit that I don't have an Apple TV box I do think that something that allows some interesting use of dual screen could be kind of cool for music related apps, although I suppose that really stops it from being mobile doesn't it?
I think I may have talked myself into a corner with this one.
Anyway, I'm interested to see what, if anything, developers make of this.
How can I get MIDI Designer to work with Ardour?
If you're an Ardour user here's a useful post at the MIDI Designer site about how to get the two of them working together.

CDR Berlin iOS Event
Fantastic news if you're in Berlin, but if your not, then it's a real shame. I was at the CDR event in London in December and actually took part in it a bit too, so I can highly recommend the Berlin event if you can make it. Sadly I can't although I'm so tempted!
Full details on the event here.
Rumours of Google's new tablet ...
I'm hearing rumours about Google's tablet coming just a day in advance of their IO conference:
It's a 7-inch device with an optimized Tegra 3 chip inside and it's going to be the first device to run Jelly Bean, the new version of Android, that, among other notable features, will see Google manage device updates. The device will be priced at $US199 and is aimed as a direct competitor to Amazon's Kindle Fire."
Given the proximity to the IO conference I think it might be worth holding off on any tablet purchases for a few days.
Via Slashdot.
It's a 7-inch device with an optimized Tegra 3 chip inside and it's going to be the first device to run Jelly Bean, the new version of Android, that, among other notable features, will see Google manage device updates. The device will be priced at $US199 and is aimed as a direct competitor to Amazon's Kindle Fire."
Given the proximity to the IO conference I think it might be worth holding off on any tablet purchases for a few days.
Via Slashdot.
Returning to the DS-10
So good to get the DS-10 out again. I even found some music on the cart which I'd been making from year ago. It wasn't bad either.
Pro Music Apps has Q&A with One Red Dog
Maker of the excellent Arctic Keys, Pro Music apps interviews Peter from One Red Dog. Good stuff, read it here.
Kindle Fire = Mac Plus + Newton
I love emulators, I don't really know why, but I just like one machine masquerading as another, so this really appeals to me. The Kindle Fire running Mac Plus and Newton emulations. If I had a Kindle Fire, which I don't as Amazon still haven't said if they'll come to the UK, I would almost certainly give this ago.
Do not read this if you have a sensitvie wallet, new synth from Mutable on the way
Please don't read any further if your wallet is particularly sensitive as I get blamed enough for people spending on apps leave alone gear like this!
And whatever you do don't follow this link to the pictures of the new synth coming from Mutable.
Apple releases it's own free Podcast app
iOS Musician on iCloud or Dropbox for iOS music making?
A good piece from iOS Musician on the whole iCloud v Dropbox debate. Worth a read.
Sketch Synth FX universal arrives
From the makers of Orbital Guitar, Sketch Sound 3D and Sketch Synth 3D comes a new app. Here are the details:
Introductory price at $3 until MIDI support arrives. Runs on iPad 2/3, and iPhone 4/4S; we have reports of problems on iPod Touch (please do not buy on iPod yet).
Sketch Synth FX lets you draw effects onto your sounds, layer by layer using it's XY pads. Simply work from the sample input at the left, through the effects channels and to the output at the right.
*** In this first version I have just had a report of no sound on the iPod Touch 4th Gen, things so far seem fine on iPad and iPhone, please wait for this message to go before buying on the iPod in general ***
You can record and export using Audio Copy & Paste or iTunes File Sharing. The effects you can apply include: delay, distortion, low/high pass filter, pitch, chorus. The effects can come on pretty strong and so you have a bypass control that really helps smooth chaotic effects into nicer evolving sounds.
This version comes with 3 themes / sample packs, including one sample pack from DJ Vadim.
Future updates could include additional distortion effects like Bit Crusher or perhaps MIDI, let me know how you want the product to develop for you and I can look into it.
Existing Sketch Synth 3D and Sketch Sound 3D users may wish to wait a few weeks for the latest updates to their existing software before purchasing Sketch Synth FX. My current plan is to offer a themed version of this with different samples as a bonus inside Sketch Synth / Sketch Sound 3D.
Bugs: on the iPhone 4 there is a weird issue that means you can only record from microphone whilst you have headphones on, speaker sound seems to stop after that. I haven't yet located the source of the problem; but I intend to alter the microphone recording code in order to get input level monitoring for recording guitar etc, hopefully this fix will be with you in a few weeks. Normal recording is fine.
The app is priced at $2.99.

Mixtikl update
JamUp Lite updates with StompBox support and more
Here's the full list of what's new in the update:
- Tone sharing to share and download artist and user presets
- Griffin Technology StompBox support
- 64 slot preset manager
- New bass expansion package
- New boutique expansion package
- Ultra low latency, 50% improvement
- Phrase Sampler added undo support
- Continuous speed adjust in iTunes JAM player

Griid update with CoreMIDI and Livid integration
MusicRadar on iOS6 and Inter App Audio
This isn't anything that hasn't been debated before, but if you're interested you can read it here.
MIDI Designer roadmap
fraAngelico, be tempted ...
This was in a video I posted the other day, and I have to say that I'm really tempted to get the kit and add it to my lengthy list of projects.
Take a look for yourself here.
Animoog for iPhone update
Animoog update
brother gets updated, and you'll want to know what's new
So, here's what's new with 'brother':
- NEW slave algorithm. Now works between devices using bonjour and tcp.
- Saving tweets.
- Adding blank space silence mode.
- Setting for base octave.
- Introducing the Paul Collins navigation bar shift. Tadah! :)
Quality may vary depending on your network. My experience was that the best was to use my iPhone as a hotspot and connect the other device to this, compared to going through my router. Keeping both shape synth and brother on the same midi channel is not needed anymore as midi is not used at all and I still recommend a buffer size of 512. || ERik ||
If you don't know 'brother', here's the app's description:
Brother is a polyphonic cleaner brother of shapesynth, which comes with 4 preset waveforms. It is both capable of running on its own with background audio and core MIDI or as a slave to shapesynth. Brother comes with a kind if quirky sequencer loading tweets and converts them into sound, endless source of compositions. Capable of exporting to send with email, upload to soundcloud and MAPI audio copy.
- Polyphonic.
- Sine, Square, Triangle and Saw.
- Double Delay.
- Background Audio.
- Core MIDI.
- Virtual MIDI.
- Email.
- Soundcloud.
- MAPI Audio Copy.
- Shapesynth slave mode (Please make sure they both run on the same buffer size and midi channel. Recommended buffer size is 512 tested on iPad 2 and iPhone 4s.).

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