So, here's what's new with 'brother':
- NEW slave algorithm. Now works between devices using bonjour and tcp.
- Saving tweets.
- Adding blank space silence mode.
- Setting for base octave.
- Introducing the Paul Collins navigation bar shift. Tadah! :)
Quality may vary depending on your network. My experience was that the best was to use my iPhone as a hotspot and connect the other device to this, compared to going through my router. Keeping both shape synth and brother on the same midi channel is not needed anymore as midi is not used at all and I still recommend a buffer size of 512. || ERik ||
If you don't know 'brother', here's the app's description:
Brother is a polyphonic cleaner brother of shapesynth, which comes with 4 preset waveforms. It is both capable of running on its own with background audio and core MIDI or as a slave to shapesynth. Brother comes with a kind if quirky sequencer loading tweets and converts them into sound, endless source of compositions. Capable of exporting to send with email, upload to soundcloud and MAPI audio copy.
- Polyphonic.
- Sine, Square, Triangle and Saw.
- Double Delay.
- Background Audio.
- Core MIDI.
- Virtual MIDI.
- Email.
- Soundcloud.
- MAPI Audio Copy.
- Shapesynth slave mode (Please make sure they both run on the same buffer size and midi channel. Recommended buffer size is 512 tested on iPad 2 and iPhone 4s.).

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