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Teenage Engineering OP-1 on eBay

Another Teenage Engineering OP1 Synthesizer on eBay. Strange to see so many of these turn up (comparatively speaking of course). I'd have thought that people would want to keep them.

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Tom TM said...

They are obviously way too advanced for tiny uncreative minds ;)

Anyway, this is good news, because it means that all of us who can't afford one new, could at least get one secondhand! :D

Anonymous said...

There nothing strange to see so many of them on eBay - people have finally realized that this is just crappy sounding and overpriced, do nothing toy...

Tom TM said...


Wendy Carlos famously slated the EMS VCS3 over the Moog 3c when she famously named the Synthi nothing but "a toy". Look how that came back to haunt her!

Like I said,

"They (OP-1) are obviously way too advanced for tiny uncreative minds ;)".

It's true, and If Delia Derbyshire can make mind blowing electronic music with nothing but a lampshade and a tape recorder (the OP-1 supports both sampling and has a tape recorder emulator built in too), so can you. :-)