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Sample Lab for iPad 1.5 demo w/ virtual MIDI sync

This is a beta demo of version 1.5 due out with iOS5.
Virtual MIDI lets you sync the tempo of two apps simultaneously on the same iPad. Sample Lab 1.5 also adds time stretch, per-beat panning and per-beat start/stop/loop selection.

Sample Lab - fotoh LLC

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


freesoulvw said...

Love the tweedle de tweedle dum music that kicks in for the multi task abuse. Funny. Scary. But funny.

kid versus chemical said...

Is there a list of apps that support network midi clock sync? Do the korg apps allow this?

mr_infamy said...

The KORG apps have their own sistem called Wireless Sync-Start (more commonly knows as WIST)
As far as I know it only works between two seperate devices, so if you want to have an iElecrtibe/iMS-20 jam, you'll need two iPads.

It's supported by a smaller number of apps, but the apps in question are pretty serious ones.
