iPhone App Directory

What I've been playing with this week

Another round up of what I've been playing with and tinkering with this week.
  • AirVox from Yonac - I really like this app and I think it has great performance potential although it can be hard to control.
  • GrainBender - I haven't spent as much time with this as I'd like, but I do like it so far and I think it's got lots of potential
  • Addictive Synth - Addictive is the right word indeed. I could play with this for hours and hours.
  • FiRe Studio - Another great app from Audiofile Engineering and it has loads of potential. I haven't had a project with which to use this in anger as yet, but I'm sure I won't have to wait long
  • PixelWave - A great new noise maker from the Sunvox developer
  • Tabletop - This is the start of a very interesting platform from the Retronyms. I've liked what I can do with it so far and I'm hoping that it'll go much further in the future, but a great start so far with huge potential.
  • NodeBeat HD - It's no secret that I really like generative music and the latest version of NodeBeat brings some great new features like a drum node and more control over the whole creation process.
  • Sunvox - I've just started getting back into Sunvox and I'm loving the new drum synth module
  • Grid Music - Love the new recording feature.
So what's been taking up all your spare time?
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Anonymous said...

Yep a good week for me -a new addition was a behringer u-control u222 USB audio interface that connects to the cck on iPad which means I can now properly sample/audio in.I have been sampling riffs from my kaossilator into table top and creating riffs and using them to my sonic delight in the awesome synthtronica.

Also really getting into addictive synth -wow and like you chilling to the brilliantly update node beat.

If you want to know more about the behringer then give me a shout.


ken said...

I've really been enjoying Tabletop, Addictive Synth, and DM-1 this weekend. Tabletop especially has me intrigued, looking forward to seeing some deeper modules (some synths, maybe?)

dswo said...

I'm like Congas. For me, this week was about the Kaossilator and Mini Kaoss Pad, recorded straight to my computer or to the iPad using another one of the Behringer interfaces (UFO202).

Question for Congas: are you sampling live phrases from the Kaossilator, or layered loops? If loops, how are you trimming them?

For the Tabletop users: most of the discussion so far has been about integration: the fact that you can have everything in one app, and which modules are included at what price? What about the instruments themselves? Do they sound good?


Tim Webb said...

I've spent most of this week in Addictive and Grainbender, both amazingly deep.

Anonymous said...

Hi dswo-I,ve been recording loops into both tabletop grid lock and synthtronica by pressing play on k and record on apps at the same time with some mixed results but mostly ok.in tabletop I shorten the length dial but there has been some run ons when you stop it. Also i have only reorded some loops for 4 bars so they end in time with out running on? I hope this helps?In synthtronica at least you can edit any pauses in the formant parameters page to remove any pause gaps.also I have been playing over table top tracks live with the k.



Retronyms reckon they may put a arm/audio threshold trigger into gridlock a bit like on the recorder m2?

Anonymous said...

Sorry dwso I didn,t see you question about sounds in table top? They are a bit weak and just bit unusable for my music which is a shame but seems to be a common criticism ?

I have fed this back and hopefully there may be a synth module or improved sound set coming ? I did suggest they looked at nano studio for some inspiration



freesoulvw said...

I sat down for a few hours with sunvox when the update dropped but I didn't really track anything. I just made a bunch of cool noises : )

freesoulvw said...

ps I spent an hour in Thumbjam this Saturday and came up with a somber number if you want to check it out


The song is called Dick Tracy's Dead

If you guys are reading this and have passed up Thumbjam(like I did) because the name makes it sound like a "cheap" generic app,DON'T,stop what your doing and go buy the app. The included samples are some of the most real sounding sample I have on my iPad. The loop recording/mixer is very powerful. And to top it off there is a Brilliant web console that allows user uploads of anything. Loops,drum loops,sample sounds for making instruments. The app features a built in-app instrument maker so just hit record and play any sound and the app will auto map it to every key(it makes great instruments out of anything). Sorry for hijacking the post to "sell" thumbjam but I can not stress the fault I made in passing this app up for the first 5 months I had my iPad. After I bought it. It's probably been my most favorite (guilty pleasure) as the name makes it sound generic I have to almost be a closet user ; ). Check out my tracks for a few thumbjam only songs. Beautiful orchestral stuff going down.

dswo said...

ThumbJam was my first music app for iOS and still one of my favorites. Easy to get started, lots of depth, very rich sounds.

Anonymous said...

Thumbjam is highly regarded. No shame in the name :)

I've played with Addictive lately. So much fun, so good sounds coming out. Very well suited for experimentation.

dswo said...

This thread finally tipped me into buying Synthtronica.

Something else I started to work on this weekend is using Loopy to record the Kaossilator. One of the K's limitations is the short loop length. Another is that you can't go back and play the layers separately. Loopy, it seems to me, offers a way of overcoming both limitations. It can record loops longer than four bars, and it can keep those loops separate. Other apps can do this too -- MultiTrack DAW, for example -- but Loopy has a number of specialized features that make it more useful for...well, loops. E.g., the visualizations are circular rather than linear. Very good use of color and animation, not just to look cool (though it does that too) but to convey information.

ashley said...

@freesoulvw: Big fan of thumbjam from the early days.

@dwso: Like to know how you get on with Loopy and Kaossilator

Anonymous said...

Dswo-count me in to on the feedback on loopy -it could just be want I want to really go with my kaossilator too!.checking it out as we speak on app store.there's something about the kaossilator that always brings me back to it all the time.I think it is one of the most revolutionary musical tools ever!
