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Cheap but powerful iPad alternative for musician(Ableton Live+touch screen)

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Anonymous said...

Someone tell that idiot that using a single touch screen with a stylus is just fail.

Still want to buy an iPad? No, Since I already own two of them.

Anonymous said...

Someone tell that idiot that using a single touch screen with a stylus is just fail.

Still want to buy an iPad? No, Since I already own two of them.

Anonymous said...

Someone tell that idiot just over me that posting the same message twice is just ultra fail.

Just like trying to sell your old garbage in comments, that really is uber-super fail.


Scott W said...

A single-touch stylus interface still has some advantages over fat-finger multi-touch:

1) Easier to be precise, and to make finer use of limited screen area. (In liu of constant zooming and/or scrolling and swiping.)

2) Easier to see what you are controlling when only a thin stylus obstructs your view.

Anonymous said...

yeah, single touch technology is just fail... You need to be able to play with at least 4 guitar picks at once or it's not possible to even start making music...

Anonymous said...

"yeah, single touch technology is just fail... You need to be able to play with at least 4 guitar picks at once or it's not possible to even start making music..."

And still Bhajis Loops on the single touch PalmOS is still beats every apps on IOS (except maybe BM2 and NS).

Guitar picks?.. what kind of idiot are you?

Did you hear that?.. That was the sound of you failing hard loser.

Anonymous said...

uh i think he was being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

"uh i think he was being sarcastic."

I thought he was just mega duper fail