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Electrobusking Main Street

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Marlene DeGrood said...

Why sit at home where no one can hear you when you go sit on a busy street and annoy lots of people with senseless noise? Or maybe his wife kicked him out of the house .... "take your electronics and wires and go somewhere else to play". No offense to the great noise making apps out there but to just make noise with no beat or rhythm just makes no sense to me ... and then put a hat out??????? Almost an insult to the great street musicians out there.

Tom TM said...

Erm, Marlene....

So the sounds of cars and lorries rushing past honking their horns while grown men blurt expletives all day long is not noise?

If I want to listen to nice music, I'll go to a concert or a quieter place, but don't you see that there is a kind of parallel here between machine and machine that is quite gratifying? Even musical on an industrial level?

Go download Cluster's second LP from iTunes- the one with the yellow stars on an ultramarine background. After listening to this brilliant recording of cello and organ drones swamped in echo, you will, I promise (and without sounding too patronising!), appreciate the finer joys of industrial music! 8) :D


Marlene DeGrood said...

@Tom .... I'm on my way to the iTunes store to purchase your suggested LP because you promised I will then appreciate the "joys of industrial music" :)
I'm always open despite what I may say :)

Marlene DeGrood said...

@Tom ... could you be more specific on the album ... I'm not seeing any yellow stars ... how about the name or year of the album, with or without Eno? Thanks.

Tom TM said...




Paul said...

UK store only...dang. I would have downloaded it, too!

Tom said...

OMG! I see your problem! That's pretty shite isn't it? You can get this CD in the States, but it's almost $30!!!

You could pay $30 though. It's really worth it!!



Marlene DeGrood said...

I'm bummed and wondering what's the purpose of dividing the Apple Store internationally? Are there lyrics not suitable for residents of the United States? I know we're immature and all but we're trying to grow up.

Tom TM said...

No. It'll be a publishing thing no doubt, where one company will have different rights to another in another country.

Don't forget, you always have YouTube as a great resource in discovering new music!


It's not Cluster II, but the more raw sounding 1st LP. But it gets the point across. :)

Cluster II is a must have LP! A very important recording which was also engineered and part composed by Conrad Plank who also produced Kraftwerk's seminal LP Autobahn. Plank went on to produce British acts such as Ultravox later on (I'm sure Ashley will wax lyrical about John Foxx!!) :)

Anonymous said...

I'd be quite interested to know what would differentiate this guy using these devices, and anyone else - I mean hats off to him and all for being brave enough to take this to the street, but those devices he is using are pretty simple and there really isn't much human input required to make these kinds of sounds, just turn a few knobs and they are kind of happily droning away - the Flower Electronics stuff is pretty cool, as is the Teaspoon, certainly capable of a wide range of tones, but not really apparent from this clip.

I've seen a few of his videos, and no doubt he is definitely doing his own thing, that deserves kudos and I dont mean to sound harsh, maybe I would just like to see him push it a bit more and take some risks, go crazy.