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A shameless bit of self promotion!

Completely shameless I know, but it might be of interest for a few of you. I've made some new tracks, or rather finally got around to finishing off these tracks.

They were all made using a Palm OS PDA, a T3 for those who know about such things using MixPad, AxisPad and a mini KP. The whole thing was recorded on a Boss Micro BR.

Anyway, if you want a list the tracks are all on this page.

Shameless plug over.

Clip to Evernote


Anthony Bowyer-Lowe said...

Very nice, delicate and intricate.

Maybe it's the weird mood I'm in but these tracks really hit the spot for me this afternoon. Thanks for sharing, Ashley, and don't be so coy about the self-pimping - folks can always just ignore the occasional "hey, cheggitout" post if they want.

Burg said...

You can self pimp all you want Ashley...one of the perks for all that you do here. Very soothing blips man! My favorite was "well I got here didn't I" (I think that was the title)

Started my morning nicely here in NYC

dcp said...

Very cool, nice tracks!

brian said...

Instantly familiar because ... It sounds a bit like stuff i do...

ashley said...

Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate the feedback