iPhone App Directory

The iPad Orchestra

ThumbJam - Sonosaurus

Clip to Evernote


Sigmund said...


Tom said...

Emerson, Lake and Palmer....eat your heart out!

Unknown said...

Excellent work ElectricAlienCat!!! Very cool!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the right thing to do? Ignore, cry, live and let live, live and let die (Please, no iPad version, please!), no comment (too late)...?

Sigmund said...

Could there be some way to flag these sorts of hardware videos so that we know we are looking at either someone showing how the hardware/app combinations works, or alternatively someone being musical and showing off their skillz.
I say this because I don't want to insult someone who is just showing how to plug in a particular hardware combination.
Alternatively I might very well want to insult someone who shows the musical ability of a root vegetable.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mad Skills!

Grumpy Tank said...

Agree with Sigmund. Lets not cheapen this blog with every bit of youtube video of some guy noodling on his iThing. Can't you do some sort of subjective prescreening of this stuff?

Granted, it gets the most discussion started, but its angry non-constructive discussion.

Darksound said...

When I was home from college I used to get totally trashed and do these sort of improvs on piano and violin.

With that said - this piece needs more cowbell...:)

Anonymous said...

@Darksound PLEASE post a vid of you playing violin, piano and cowbell at the same time!

johnnyg0 said...

I'm not a fan of those videos, but I some people like them, maybe there could be a Palm Sound B for those noodling vids?

Darksound said...

@ Anonymous

Would you settle for a triple pirouette?
