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What are Apple cooking for tomorrow?

I've just been reading some of the speculation around their announcement coming tomorrow, and there's some good suggestions. I suppose it could be 4.2, but I'd heard that would be later, but who knows.

Any guesses?


johnnyg0 said...

I can guess tomorrow will not be a day I'll never forget, and that a lot of people will expect stuff that will not happen.

ashley said...

Sadly, you're probably right

Grumpy Tank said...

Apple employees are aliens, Steve Jobs their leader, and we are all going to be assimilated.

Resistance is futile, and you will NOT forget this day.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the impression I got from that page too...

Anonymous said...

i doubt its going to be anything they have been building up... why build something up and then say theres a huge surprise coming...

VICMOD said...

just keep dangling that carrot

Anonymous said...

Rumour is cloud-based iTunes...

Sigmund said...

I'll take a wild guess and say that itunes will start selling Beatles albums...

johnnyg0 said...


You won!!

... ... and it was just that..

Why does everybody get excited whenever Apple makes an announcement?

I'll take some time and drop this here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s72rGDUn2uo