A very big update from TouchAble. Here are the details:
New Features:
- We enabled multitasking (needs iOS 4.2)
- We added a “Disable Sleep” option
- Changeable track width: show 8/4/2 tracks at once - Great for Live-performances!
- Changeable clip height: normal size & double size
- If you decide to show 4 or 2 tracks instead of 8 the mixer-view will automatically show more parameters at once.
- 2 tracks-mode will show volume, send A+B and another parameter of your choice per track.
- We added “momentary solo/cue buttons”: a short tap on solo/cue will toggle it on / off, a long tap will toggle on when you begin the touch and toggle off when you lift your finger
- We added optional “relative faders”: Instead of jumping to your fingers position the faders will only move the amount that your finger moved before.
- Dedicated stop button
- Dedicated record button
- Tempo Control: Drag with your Finger over the BPM counter to increase / decrease the tempo. To change it faster start on the left side, to do it slower drag on the right side.
- Current song position display
Communication between touchAble and Live
- We optimized the way touchAble connects to Live - the connection is now even more reliable, stable and faster.
- We changed the process of communication between touchAble and Live: Loading & reloading clips is now 10x faster!
- touchAble will automatically be synced and stay updated if you load a new set
- If you delete / add tracks the set will be updated in the background, no annoying wait-times anymore ;)
- Server App autodefaults to touchAble 1 for iPad 1 & touchAble 2 for iPad 2. On Windows it will default do MIDI Yoke 1 & 2.
- Inertia Scrolling in all Live-related modules (Clips, Mixer, Devices)
- Trigger, recording & stopping animations on clips.
- Moving one view from top to bottom or the other way around will no longer leave the old half empty. The views will switch.
- Lots of design-changes throughout the app. New menu-bar, mixer, clips, cross and more
- eq8: added highlight to currently selected dot
- Fixed: Clips now show playstatus after new load / reload
- Fixed: clips without names now don’t show the name of the clip processed before
- Fixed: a scene without a name doesn’t use the name of the scene processed before anymore
- Fixed: an issue that rendered the bottom left corner unresponsive
- Fixed unreadable text on white clips.
iPads at the Apple Store
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