iPhone App Directory

NanoComp from Blipinteractive, SoundCloud and Palm Sounds

SoundCloud celebrates over 100 apps today with an excellent competition. You may already know about this, but if you don't, then you get your NanoStudio tracks ready to go!

Who can make the biggest track with the smallest studio?

Blip Interactive, Palm Sounds and SoundCloud challenge You to push the limits for mobile music creation and create the biggest track using the smallest studio; the NanoStudio.

How does it work?
  • Create an original track with NanoStudio (get it from the App Store) 
  • From within the app, share your track to SoundCloud and make sure you submit it to the official NanoStudio group
  • The track will automatically show up on this page within the next hour
  • The competition runs until December 15, 2010
Who wins? Equal prizes go to...
  • The track with the most votes
  • And the jury's favorite
What are the prizes? Each winner gets...
  • 1 MIDI Mobilizer from Line 6
  • 1 pair of the "smallest earphones in the world" from JAYS
  • 1 year of SoundCloud Pro account
  • 1 SoundCloud t-shirt
And don't forget to share the tracks you like and invite your friends to vote!

Read the SouncCloud announcement in their newsletter that went out today and check out the tracks already entered into the competition here.

If you don't know NanoStudio as yet then you really should take a look at one of the best music making apps for the iPhone.

NanoStudio - Blip Interactive Ltd

Clip to Evernote

1 comment:

Eric F said...

Can someone please provide rules for this competition?

It says "no external gear". So can I upload my own samples which have been created using various nefarious means (:mwhaha:)?

I hope not! Otherwise it's a "who can upload and sequence great loops Beatmaker style" as opposed to showing the app to its full potential ie programming Eden, fkn fiddly sequencing etc

My personal suggestion would be for using only the samples that come with NanoStudio and creation of new Eden patches. This way the app gets shown in it's best light and others can learn from the cool sounds that others create

Otherwise, someone could master and EQ all their samples/loop and just use NanoStudio as a very basic loop sequencer which the app is obviously not

(I realize Matt (Blip) is away atm (lo que un hombre con suerte!) and I'm not trying to bust anybody's balls but some clarification would be good)
