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Is there an app for processing

I'm expecting the answer 'No, of course not, why would Apple allow you to do something like that on an iDevice!', but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I'm just after any kind of app that can be used for writing / editing processing sketches on the go. I've had a brief look around the app store and have of course found nothing, so I thought I find out if anyone has any good suggestions.

Clip to Evernote


gregor said...

There is http://processingjs.org/ -- an implementation of processing in javascript.

It runs on iphones http://www.rockitbaby.de/experiments/processingjs-on-iphone

Here's a js ide for it http://www.jepstone.net/blog/2010/04/16/processing-js-mini-ide-for-ipad-iphone-android-chrome/

It's using the html5 cache so you can save it on you device and don't need to be online after the initial load.

Googling processing.js iphone gets these results.

I don't know much about it myself-- it's been on my todo list for quite a while.

ashley said...

Thanks Gregor, those are both really useful, appreciate the help a lot.