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BM2 will be available for Christmas

According to their forum we can expect BM2 before Christmas. That'd be nice!

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Anonymous said...

Yup, it's due this summer!

Burg said...

Not caring so much anymore ... Nanostudio has reall become the go to

Roid Donovan said...

In other news, Intua continues to take an enormous "BM" on their customers!

Johnngy0 said...

They'll have to let it go for really cheap if they want their existing customer to get it again. I bought it when it was 20$ with the promise that samples could be looped someday (which never happened because they decided to keep that feature for BM2).

There's just no way I will pay that amount again, if its 5$ as an intro price I might get it, but not at any other price... just like I wouldn't buy Photoshop for the full price when I'm entitled to an upgrade.

Heard that Intua?

ashley said...

Looking at their forums I think they still have a lot of loyal people