iPhone App Directory

And finally ...

Well I finally got my 3G upgraded to iOS4. I had to leave it overnight but it worked.

So far I like the folders but the don't look as nice on my 3G as having all the app icons sitting around. I guess it will take a little while to get used to.

It seems very slightly slower than before, but aside from that ok. Most things seem to be working fine so far. If I find anything that's a big fail I'll let you know.

What are your experiences of iOS4 so far? Good? Bad? A bit of a let down?


Pierre said...

I'm very reluctant to upgrade the OS, even though they say that it is meant for the iPod 2G as well as other models. I'm not thrilled with iAds and I'm quite positive that the upgrade really won't provide me with any additional functionality.

Anonymous said...

It definitely won't change my life.

Robert said...

iOS 4 is amazing on my 3GS, I feel like I'm using iPhone 4! Highly recommended for any 3GS user...

Zachary said...

As a 3G owner who has tried FOUR TIMES to "upgrade" to iOS4 and crashed every time, I'm going to pass. I've lived without folders for this long (which appears to be the only thing worth upgrading for), and I definitely don't want to do anything that might compromise speed.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if there's a way to roll back to iOS 3?

soundog said...

On iPod Touch 2G, enjoying the grouped e-mail abilities, and the folders. I grouped all my apps by function. Nice!

My iStroboSoft tuning wheel won't spin, though ... so I hope that gets a revision soon!

johnnyg0 said...

To the reluctant ones : its not really a choice to upgrade or not. Applications updated to support IOS4 stops working in every previous version of the system. "When" is the only choice you have, you don't have to do it right know, but when you favorite applications gets upgraded, you will too, unless at some point you decide not to upgrade any applications anymore, for ever.

For me its a huge letdown, I lost an entire evening upgrading and reinstalling everything, only to have all the good features unavailable because Apple thinks my device is too old (touch2G, bought last year). So now I will have to spend another complete evening jailbreaking, reinstalling and arranging detail

... all my upgrades were nightmares, I never had an upgrade that just worked without requiring me to repair everything that it broke.

At least this one was free unlike the previous ones.

Anonymous said...

all well here 3gs :-) took around 20 mins to download and install..... all apps appear to be working fine