iPhone App Directory

Your top 10 music apps on Palm Sounds?

I haven't done a top ten iPhone apps post in a while now, so if there's anyone who wants to share their top ten mobile music apps, on any platforms, then please feel free to get in touch.


pdrift said...

does anyone know of any good music apps for symbian s60 devices, Nokia E-71 specifically?

ashley said...

Sorry, I don't know of any. Symbian's never seemed to be too popular with music developers, I've no idea why.

Jordi Delgado said...

My top 10 musics apps for iPhone :

1) Intua Beatmaker

2) Noise.io

3) Argon

4) JR Hexatone

5) Xewton Music Studio

6) BeBot

7) DigiDrummer

8) Randgrid Synthesizer and Drum machine

9) SunVox

10) Aura

Also i really like Star Melody,bleep!Synth,8 Bitone,Soundgrid,Touch DJ,DopplerPad,Moogie,isequence,ToroMini,megaSynth,pocket tabla,iGOG,Dub Siren,Bowls,Steel Guitar...There´s a lot of good music apps for iPhone.