iPhone App Directory

My top 10 musics apps for iPhone by Jordi Delgado

Another top 10 iPhone apps by Jordi Delgado.

My top 10 musics apps for iPhone by Jordi Delgado:

1) Intua Beatmaker

2) Noise.io
Noise.io? Pro Synth

3) Argon
ARGON - The Monophonic Virtual Analog Synthesizer -

4) JR Hexatone
JR Hexatone? Pro

5) Xewton Music Studio
Xewton Music Studio

6) BeBot
Bebot - Robot Synth

7) DigiDrummer

8) Randgrid Synthesizer and Drum machine
Randgrid synthesizer and drum machine

9) SunVox

10) Aura

Also i really like Star Melody,bleep!Synth,8 Bitone,Soundgrid,Touch DJ,DopplerPad,Moogie,isequence,ToroMini,megaSynth,pocket tabla,iGOG,Dub Siren,Bowls,Steel Guitar...There´s a lot of good music apps for iPhone.

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