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A London Meet up?

A couple of days ago I posted this about a possible meet up:

There have been suggestions for doing something like this for quite a while and it has finally made it forward to the front of my very disorganised mind. So, how do people feel about a London mobile music meet up, and most importantly, what would you want form a meet up like that?

I'm not going to commit to organising anything at this stage, but if there are enough people interested and some good ideas for content and venues I will pursue it.

All comments / suggestions welcome, especially if you can offer a free venue!

I've had a couple of responses so far, but I thought I'd push it for a week or so to see if it is really worth pursuing or not.


Anonymous said...

How about Birmingham instead? The problem with London, is that it is too far away from people in the North of England, and of course it is ridiculously expensive!

Unknown said...

OK for a London meet up, though I am not in London during the week-ends...