iPhone App Directory

AudioView 1.1 is in the app store

Audioview 1.1 is now in the app store! Confirmation of what's new:

Added AudioCopy and Paste support
added Intua’s pasteboard. This makes AudioView the perfect bridge between the two systems

AudioView at the app store:


michael nervous said...

can u copy from pasteboard (beatmaker) and paste into audioview?

u can go from audioview into beatmaker. so if u use a audiocopy/paste app u can only import into pasteboard but the reverse is not true, u ca not export from intua into sonoma. please correct me if i'm worng...i would love to be wrong here...

michael nervous said...

i was wrong! you can it's just labeled copy (into audioview)and you can only do it from finished wav files in beat maker. still great news!

Tibor said...

Sorry I did not see this earlier. Yes you can copy to and from beatmaker to and from fourtrack and all other apps. It is a bridge afterall.