Sunvox poll
New NLog beta soon?
Looks like there may be more NLog goodness coming soon according to this tweet:
I like the idea of the Virus TI being a target for NLog.
NLog in the iTunes app store:

Working still on next beta, but played too long around with Virus TI :-) It is a good target for NLog synth. 1 or 2 more nights for beta..
I like the idea of the Virus TI being a target for NLog.
NLog in the iTunes app store:

SoundGrid update
Sunvox on sale
TUAW on micro podcasting

TUAW has a good post on micro podcasting including what Audioboo are up to.
I still haven't made much progress in this direction personally, but what I'm waiting for is for services to be able to take audio already produced on the iPhone and upload that. I'm guessing that copy and paste should be able to do it, or perhaps developers will have to build micro podcasting services into their apps.

iPhone music
Looptastic Electro Edition update
The original Looptastic app has been updated, this latest update allows for export to a mac or PC. I'm assuming (and hoping) that the export is of the finished track.
Looptastic Electro Edition available at the iTunes App Storeg(11703474)a(1410283))
Looptastic Electro Edition available at the iTunes App Store

tags technorati : Looptastic iPhone
iShred 1.6
Curtis update
Pete Cole on the expanding mobile market
Pete has some interesting thoughts on the way that the mobile market is expanding at the moment. Interesting that Android have just announced native apps comeing to ther platform.

iLounge on iPhone micro projector

iLounge has this post on a super small projector for the iPhone. No news on price for this as yet, but it does look good.

Native apps coming to Android

Brighthand reports that native applications will be coming to an Android device near you soon. The Native Dev Kit is on the way, but has some limitations.

Been away
Mobile Synth updated

Mobilesynth has been updated, new features include:
Oscillator Module
- Arpeggiator
- Resonance
Click on the iTunes button below to go to the app store for mobile synth.

CDM on PD and RJDJ
Antix Player ported to Android
You may be wondering why this is a significant piece of news? Well, the Antix platform is a possible target platform for Mixtikl, xand on top of that is going to make it possible for games and apps to sit on hardware that runs the Antix platform.
I'm no export but I think that Antix is going to be big in the near future, and if it is running on Android then we could see some really great audio and music apps for Android running on Antix.
I'm no export but I think that Antix is going to be big in the near future, and if it is running on Android then we could see some really great audio and music apps for Android running on Antix.

Korg DS-10 PLUS !!!!
Following on from the post a few days ago about the possibility about a new version, here it is. The main new features are:
- 4 x Analogue Synths (from 2)
- 8 x Drum synths
- 12 tracks
- Real time editing
Strange Agency's prototype drum machine
Spoke drum machine prototype from strange agency on Vimeo.
Does this look like spinPad from miniMusic to you?

Pete Cole on Mixtikl desktop data sharing
Pete posts on the continued progress with mixtikl on the iPhone and on Windows and the issues around getting data sharing working right. It sounds like this app is really going to be something when it arrives.
Personally I can't wait for Mixtikl on the iPhone and 1.5 on Windows Mobile.
Personally I can't wait for Mixtikl on the iPhone and 1.5 on Windows Mobile.

PianoStudio from Frontier Design

Frontier design, the studio behind my fav guitar app iShred have produced a new app called PianoStudio. I haven't tried this app, but it has some really nice features. I especially like the piano roll.
- Three high-quality piano instruments (Grand 1, Grand 2, Upright)
- 9 built-in demo songs
- Built-in Recorder with overdubbing, variable tempo, metronome, and undo/redo
- Tilt-controlled volume and sustain pedal
- Awesome phrase editor lets you create repeating patterns or passages that would otherwise be impossible to play
- Built-in chord library with over 10,000 chords
- Lots of visual customizations to help you organize and play your tunes
- 5 banks of buttons per song
- 9 available button layout styles with between 8 and 40, plus keyboard-and-buttons style
PianoStudio at the app store:

No emulators right?
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