iPhone App Directory

What will more app stores mean?

It is probably fair to say that the whole app store concept from apple has been a big winner, especially as everyone else is jumping in or making noises at the least.

So, what will it mean for mobile music apps? Will we see the same kind of developer activity as in the app store as with Apple? Will there suddenly be loads of Windows Mobile music apps again, and Palm (webOS) too, if that's possible?

Will the developers who are currently writing code for the iPhone branch out and port apps to new platforms, or write different apps?

It'd be interesting to know if any developers had given it any thought?

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Tom said...

PalmOS and WinMobile machines have traditionally been adopted by a business/geek demographic, so it simply hasn't been worth many developers time to produce such niche applications.

OTOH the iPhone / iPod touch have a huge install base covering a very wide demographic so there's enough of an audience to make mobile music software development feasible.

But who knows what the future will bring? I look forward to it!

formal said...

App stores are good, but I think the level of quality needs to improve. Right now it's a rush to get the appz out just to make a quick buck and to get things going. There are a lot of devs out there that publish beta quality programs and charge full price only to never update or fulfill the initial feature list. Also until there are proper "featured galleries" people are going to manipulate the system to get more "hits" and spam the entire market place. As of right now it reminds me of the internet back in 1996.

ashley said...

Interesting thoughts, I think that perhaps the days of PalmGear and Handango could be numbered with the OS and hardware manufacturers taking owenership of the whole or at least majority of the ecosystem.