iPhone App Directory

ROY G BIV color synthesizer app, let's hear your pizza then

I thought I'd post this as the description sounded fun and I like the idea of the sound of pizza

ROY G BIV is a cool synth that turns color into music!

What does the color green sound like? What does your food sound like? What does a selfie sound like? Find out by playing around with this groundbreaking synth that uses color data from your iPhone's camera and converts it into cool synth effects.

Neat Features:
  • 1-octave keyboard that stretches from C to shining C
  • Attack, Decay, Oscillation and Waveform controlled by the color of whatever you're pointing your phone at
  • Four sample pads: kick drum, snare, hi hat, and barking doggy :)
  • Endless fun and cool tunes forever ::::)))))

And, it's only $0.99 / £0.69 on the app store:

1 comment:

Julian Glander said...

Thanks for the writeup!! You were actually on my list of people to email about the app, glad you found it.
If you're interested, I'd love to give you a few promo codes to do a giveaway with your twitter followers-- let me know!
