iPhone App Directory

TouchSound Podcast Episode 3 is now available

In case you missed it from yesterday, episode 5 of the Touchsound podcast is now available with John-Paul Of Retronyms and Ian Bradshaw Of Korg.

You can get the podcast on iTunes, via the site and also on SoundCloud too.

Clip to Evernote


David Maroň said...

"TouchSound Podcast Episode 5 is now available" Not Episode 3 :)

Anonymous said...

Another excellent episode, kudos on the guests. I'm still undecided with regard to Tabletop though, so many reports of poor performance on iPad1 (or is it just when people leave apps running in the background). Can anyone give more info on their performance related experiences?

Thank you.

Pierre said...

Agreed...another excellent episode. I'm glad that Korg's products for the Nintendo DS got some air-time!