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SunVox Tutorial 1 - Getting Started

A video tutorial on Sunvox from the desktop point of view. Described as:

Part one of what will hopefully become a series on using the great, free, cross-platform tracker-style music creation program, SunVox.

Useful to get a basic understanding though if you're struggling with it.

SunVox - Alexander Zolotov

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Tom TM said...

Nice tutorial.

But I still want to see someone use the iOS interface with Sunvox!

Jaybry84 said...

This UI would just kill any abrupt musical inspiration I had.

Anonymous said...


Maybe this interface will be more inspiring for you?


Jaybry84 said...

Yes, yes it would. I'd start making music a lot faster.

Pierre said...

Actually, that simple tutorial was very helpful. I'm just not accustomed to a tracker-style interface and was always confused how notes were being entered. In other SunVox tutorials, the notes just seem to magically appear!