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SpectrumGen v1.0 App Review, Iphone / Ipad Synthesizer

SpectrumGen - Alexander Zolotov

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Jaybry84 said...

I'm very curious what people use this app for. Actually, I've probably never been more curious about anything in my life.

Tom TM said...

You guys really need to widen your musical horizons! Why don't you listen to Gabriel Prokofiev's "Symphony for turntables and orchestra"?

Or how about watching Andre Tarkovski's brilliant 'Stalker', 'Mirror' or 'Solaris' (not the American George Clooney version, but the original Russian version of the film)? The soundtracks having been composed on the wonderful and mysterious optical-based ANS synthesiser. A synthesiser that was invented when Robert Moog was still in nappies!!

kidBaltan said...


music by Artemiev

and there is the pc- game version :)

NightRadio said...

It's only one side of Artemiev music :)
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