iPhone App Directory

Reminder: NanoStudio 25% off

A reminder that to celebrate NanoStudio's first birthday, it's 25% off until the 11th of August! Happy birthday NanoStudio!

NanoStudio - Blip Interactive Ltd

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Dj Agent M said...

I wonder how many people who are into apps like this wouldn't have it by now.

Robert said...

There are 100,000 iPads sold each and every day, and 200,000 iPhones, as well. I'm not sure how many iPod Touches, but between the other two that's 9 million potential new iOS users every month!

Anonymous said...

I didn't have it until now. I was holding out for iPad optimization but the price drop made it worth it.

Anonymous said...


And yet they sold more Kinect than iPads in that same period. Go figure!

Robert said...


And McDonald's sold more hamburgers than that. What's your point?

Dj Agent M wondered about the potential market for a year-old music app that many of us already own, and I offered statistics to show that it is potentially large and is growing every day, which is a good thing for Nanostudio and iOS developers in general.

Anonymous said...

"And McDonald's sold more hamburgers than that. What's your point?"

Why are you comparing the ipad with McDonald? Do you believe the ipad is the cheap fast-food of the tablet world?

Let me answer your question with a quote from your post : "I offered statistics to show that it is potentially large and is growing every day"

.. and before you tell me that I didn't offered statistics, let me remind you that you pulled yours out of your ass.