iPhone App Directory

Flowerium for iOS

Flowerium PV from HR2 on Vimeo.

I know it isn't music related, but I really liked the idea.

Via CreativeApplications.

Flowerium. - Makoto Hirahara

Clip to Evernote


Marlene DeGrood said...

Saw this demo ... went to iTunes to buy and was just about to hit the "buy app" button when I noticed that this was for iPad 2, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G or later. I almost threw another 2 bucks away.

Anonymous said...

First rule about IOS is you don't talk about fragmentation :D

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine why this app wouldn't run on the original iPad. Poor coding?

Scott M2 said...

I run an iPad 1 and so am immune to this, but judging from the video - first thing I'd do would be to turn the sound off. :(