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Tracker running in iDos

Just a nice shot from beatmakerTV of a tracker running in iDos, which I think is the old version before it got crippled.

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Unknown said...

Just to be clear. The screen Shot is Version 1 of iDOS.

iDOS was Re-Released again in the App Store with Version 2.01, which was quickly pulled again.

I was Lucky enough to get both versions. Version 2.01 has support for CoreMidi and I'm currently testing out a few things with it.

Thanks Palm-Sounds! I appreciate the shine. :)

johnnyg0 said...

Hmmm.. Fast Tracker 2!! That was a really great program. You guys ought to find out where those guys ended up, you'll be in for a nice surprise :)

Shame to Apple for crippling this app.

Unknown said...

I totally agree ^^^

The crazy thing is that the Dev still does Tech support for this app. I can go on his forum anytime of the day and get an answer to my questions.

The forum also has some hi-tech folks already using the CoreMidi features in the app.

1 guy has it midi'd up to a Roland synth for game sounds. When he plays a DOS game the sounds come from the Roland! Real cool stuff going down over there.

Another guy is using the Coremidi to play games with a Joystick.

Gotta love it!