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Synthtopia asks if you'd pay $277/£169 for the Monotribe

And they seem to have gotten a lot of negative replies. Sadly I think I'd have to agree with the 'no' camp as I think it is a little over priced for what it is. If it was under £100 I think I'd be more tempted.

Read the post at Synthtopia.

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johnnyg0 said...

My local music store in Montreal say they will well the Monotribe or 199$ I don't know where Synthtopia got their 277$ pricing (probably from the conversion).

Fun fact : I typed "Monotribe price" and you came up as the first result! :D

johnnyg0 said...

edit: they will SELL the Monotribe for 199$. :)

John said...

No. Too expensive for what it offers. If it had midi in/out then yes.

bS said...

$150 tops

Anonymous said...

I'd rather build something from PAIA. I can get at least 4 modules for that.

Anonymous said...

Stingy buggers! Try making something that squeezes in 3 part analog drums and a wide range stable vco with filter and sequencer, battery power and speaker, no way you could do it for less than £200