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Rytmik Rock Edition (Nintendo DSiWare) - Overview & New Features - Let's Rock!

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robman84 said...

Right, that's it. With this and the guitar app you showed my son's DSi is about to get some nintendo points. Daddy only has the DS Lite...

ashley said...

Yeah, I only have the DS lite too and am seriously considering the DSi as the price has come down a lot.

Marlene DeGrood said...

I put the DSi onto my birthday list hoping that "someone" wouldn't think .... "well she already had a DS lite .... what's the point of another?" I got lucky and got the DSi so now I have the best of both Nintendo worlds. Still trying to learn Rytmik , although I haven't spent much time with it .... for me it's not very intuitive so I have to learn it. I did get into the Art Academy lessons, which I wasn't expecting so now I'm sidetracked.
I'm really happy with the DSi and if you can swing it .... get it!

ashley said...

Still tempted to go for a DSi, but then I wonder about the 3DS and think I should maybe wait