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Electrify controlled with the APC 40

This will be completely awesome when it comes out!

This is a demo of Electrify for the iPad controlled by an APC 40 from AKAI.
Every function of Electrify (even the step parameters) can be controlled by the APC 40 making the APC 40 a real Groovebox with step sequencer and clip matrix! No need to touch the iPad's display It's just awesome to play around with it!

What do you need for that? a Midi Interface (iConnectMidi by iConnectivity when it's released eventually) for connecting your iPad and the APC 40.
I use the MidiMobilizer, a USB-Midi Converter and Bome Midi Translator for testing.

This feature will be released in some weeks with an update for Electrify for free. And the best: it will work with your iPhone 4, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is sicc news dude. The first real app to utilize MIDI! Finally. I love this DEV!

If you make music apps.. ADD MIDI SUPPORT!