iPhone App Directory

SKTCH for iPhone arrives

I've been waiting for this for a while, it looks great and I can't wait to try it out. Here's the detail:

SKTCH is a generative drawing application for the iPhone / iPod Touch and soon to be released for iPad. Instead of adopting traditional "brush" based drawing, SKTCH is about presets, created by a number of digital artists around the globe. Whether you decide to sketch circles, meshes, networks or use any of the 14 presets available, be inspired by the endless possibilities of generative sketches and compositions you are able to make using SKTCH. Combine these with images taken by your camera or layer for more complex compositions. Modify parameters in realtime, combine presets and see amazing compositions come to life.

# 14 unique generative presets to draw both simple and complex sketches (+ we are working on more for future releases)
# Innovative user interface that changes colour as you change the colour of objects.
# Colour variants and a number of other parameters you can modify.
# Compose your sketches with photographs or images from your photo library and see them blend as backgrounds.
# Your settings and colour settings are always saved.
# Desktop version of the application coming soon..

Tips and Tricks:
# Each preset works in a unique way. Explore each one seeing how settings change them. Don't forget to try multitouch, works great on presets like Network, Jocabola or Kibbits.
# Use random button to generate variations on your current sketch.
# Mix and match different presets together, see them change in realtime as you modify the parameters.
# Take photos and make them background for your sketches.
# Try layering compositions by capturing screen of your current sketch and importing it as a background from your photo library.

For more tips and examples see http://sktchapp.com

Thanks to Kim Asendorf [KA], Andreas Müller [AM], Eduard Prats Molner [EPM], Philip Whitfield (underdoeg) [PW], Martin Fuchs (deffekt) [MF] and Mike Tucker [MT] for their generous contributions, Zach Gage for his help and patience and many thanks to you for downloading SKTCH.

Created and Published by CreativeApplications.Net
Inspired by Harmony project by Ricardo Cabello aka Mr.doob (http://mrdoob.com/projects/harmony)

Made with openFrameworks, an open source C++ toolkit.

SKTCH at the app store:

1 comment:

Pierre said...

Thanks for the heads up. I love these generative drawing programs. I also use an app called Harmonious which is very cool. I just downloaded SKTCH, it's very cool and I love the ability to customize and combine the brushes.