iPhone App Directory

The Mobile Music Alphabet: N is for ...

N is for Nanoloop

Nanoloop was a real surprise when it appeared on the app store a few months back. I'd never used the original, but I love the minimalism of this iPhone app and how complete it is for making music. I find myself increasingly spending time with it to make whole songs.

N is for NLog

NLog is an awesome synth with so much potential. It is amazing to think that there's so much in this app and it just gets better all the time. I can't wait to see what comes in the NLog Pro app, I'm looking forward to seeing that on my iPad when it arrives. Don't forget to get the birthday patches for NLog full version!
NLog Synthesizer

N is for Noise Machine

Noise Machine is an app I've really enjoyed mucking around with to just make strange noises and interesting sounds, mainly because that's one of my hobbies!
A Noise Machine

N is for NotePad

NotePad is has got to be the great ancestor of virtually all mobile music applications. It is still a superb notation application and I still use it. Admittedly not as much as I used to, but I still go back to it. If you have a Palm OS device then you should check out this application from miniMusic.

N is for NitroTracker

Good to be able to put some DS homebrew in the alphabet, and even better now that Nitrotracker is open source too. I wonder where it will go next?

N is for Nintendo DS

Whilst it is a shame that the DS10 blog is going, or possibly gone, the DS as a platform still has a lot of life in it.

Nintendo DSi Handheld Console

So that's the alphabet for today. This post was brought to you by the letter N.


Anonymous said...

Is nlog pro a seperate app to nlog, or an update?

Unknown said...

Conspicuously absent from your list of 'N' apps is NNN Mono, a very nice synth which can also act as an OSC controller.

I've really been enjoying the Mobile Music Alphabet, thanks for a wonderful series of posts.

Unknown said...

noise io?