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iPad Ordered!

After having enormous trouble to get Apple's store to do anything last night I finally managed to get an iPad ordered first thing this morning and through in a camera connection kit too for good measure. So now I've just got to wait to get it delivered by the 28th!

I hate waiting.


Pierre said...

Wow...congratulations! I think it will be quite some time before I can justify the expense but it's definitely on the radar!

Nick said...

I was going to order a camera kit too, but noticed that it doesn't ship till June 7th and they hold your order till everything is ready, at least if you want free shipping. Only the iPad itself is guaranteed delivery by May 28; the case, for example, only promises to ship then. They may of course just be being cautious, but it may be safest to split the order (or just pick up any accessories from a store at a later date).

ashley said...

Nick, when I saw your comment I immediately cancelled that item. Thanks for the tip, really appreciate it!

robman84 said...

Nice. Not quite ready financially just yet - should be nearer the time!

Raphaël said...

Thanks for the tips Nick, I would have done the mistake without you.

IPad ordered too :).