iPhone App Directory

HexKeys updated

HexKeys has been updated with an additional tone called Minimal Kit1.

HexKeys at the app store:
Hex Keys


johnnyg0 said...

I bought this program, only to be told I need to update my (jailbroken) itouch. This is really annoying, I had to pay 15$ twice to get the necessary upgrades from Apple because updated applications wouldn't work with older OS (even if there's only a 0.0.1 difference).
Why Apple would not tell me BEFORE that I need to upgrade... noooo you have to pay first, its a better way to screw people (especially if you need to pay again for the upgrade).

So its another 5 bucks wasted for me, that is until I can update and jailbreak from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3, and then again to 3.1.4, ...

I'm really getting sick of this device,... I mean really I do more management tasks than playing if you ask me, my finger is hurting from moving icons.

... I just wanted to try an app...

johnnyg0 said...

Sorry I forgot to add :

Where the app refund department? This one doesn't work on my device and I was led to believe otherwise.

.. oh you mean they don't do refunds eh?..