iPhone App Directory

Sunvox is free (not iPhone version though)

Apart from the iPhone version of Sunvox, all other versions are now free! Get them here.

Sunvox (for iPhone) at the app store:

tags technorati :


Tom said...


kadath said...

Hopefully this will result in an uptake in SunVox usage, both on the desktop as well as iPhone OS. At $5, it's cheaper than BeatMaker and much more robust. BeatMaker hasn't seen a meaningful update since last July, while SunVox gets regular updates. Get on the ball, Intua...

dcp said...

Sometimes i can't believe what i'm reading...

Meng Qi said...


I thought about buying a windows copy but gradually forgot this thing.

Sunvox is very nicely designed and I love its sound much. Big ups to the author!

Thank you for spreading the words.