iPhone App Directory

AudioTools and the iPad

News from AudioTools on the iPad:


The current version of AudioTools runs fine on iPad, although we have not been able to actually get ourt hands on one for testing. So we don't know anything about the performance of the mic included with iPad. Also, there is no cost to install AudioTools with iPad, if you already own it. We believe that to be true for the in-app purchases in AudioTools as well, although again we have not been able to test this. AudioTools appears as a 320x480 app centered on the screen, and it can be pixel-doubled to be nearly full screen. Looks great!

AudioTools for iPad

We will be making an iPad-specific version of AudioTools, that will take advantage of the larger screen. This will be more than a simple prort, we will make a lot of chnages to suppot the larger screen. Our plan is to sell this app for $29.95 in the US iTunes store, and to have the same pricing on in-app purchases, but we have figured out a way (see Unlock codes below) to bring your iPhone and iPod touch in-app purchases into the iPad version for free. Again, the iPhone / iPod touch version of AudioTools will run as-is, and is free. We are hoping to have this version available soon after iPad is available. So your total cost to update to iPad would be limited to $29.95 under this plan.


We do know that iAudioInterface does NOT work on iPad. We can't say more, except that this is a hardware-level issue which is out of our control and will not change. This is not a case of getting a warning message, it will not function at all on iPad. I can also say that we have an idea on the drawing board for a device that would work with iPad, but it is much too soon to say anything. When iPad ships April 3rd we will have more information available on this situation.

As to the ship date for iAudioInterface, we will have a separate update soon, but for now I can say that we ran into some very last-minute issues which have been fully resolved, and we are now waiting for a single part before assembly begins. Thanks again for your patience, it has been frustrating but we are happy to be moving forward again.

Also, iAudioInterface is now classified as "Made for iPod" rather than "Works With iPhone". If it is plugged into an iPhone you will get the message asking you to go to airplane mode to avoid the possibility of picking up noise from the phone. We hope this does not cause any inconvenience to anyone.

AudioTools at the app store:

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