iPhone App Directory

miniMIXA (not) returning

It seems that my excitement over a possible re-birth of miniMIXA may have been a little premature judging by this comment:

"Hi! Antix labs have *nothing* to do with minimixa. Antix have access to none of the old Tao IP. They also have nothing to do with Tao at all, other than most of the Tao employees went to work there when Tao went down the toilet. Antix are *not* funded by the VC who was behind Tao. Thank you."

Also, from the reply I got from the Intermorphic forum:

"Hi! I think what happened was that when Tao went under, all of its IP went to the VC that was the main shareholder. I suspect that miniMIXA is dead and buried along with everything else!

You might be interested to hear that I consider it very hard (if not impossible!) to make money out of creating applications for mobile devices. This makes it difficult to justify putting large amounts of effort into investing a lot of time and/or money into creating them. The reasons are many, and include:
- the huge range of mobile platforms and wide range of capabilities and operating systems
- the fact that many devices are closed (and are therefore completely unreachable) or require specially signed applications (and can therefore be prohibitively expensive to support)
- the very fast churn of mobile operating systems that is even faster than in the desktop world
- the low price that consumers are willing to pay for mobile applications; this is despite the very high cost of most of the devices!
- the large margins that need to be lost to the distribution channels
- the huge variety of different display form factors (width/height/colour depth and layout - portrait/landscape)
- the enormous inconsistencies between user interfaces, soft menus, keyboards and touch interaction
- in general, very poor support for real-time debugging of software for mobile devices
- for audio applications: the lack of low-latency device drivers, the lack of MIDI i/o, the fact that few devices offer full-duplex audio (e.g. Symbian!), the lack of any ease of integration with desktop audio software toolchain, lack of support for multithreaded apps in Brew etc. etc.

I speak with considerable personal experience of creating mobile audio applications.



Never mind, I'll keep an eye on AntixLabs anyway, maybe they'll come up with something interesting.

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