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Coding Cod bringing us an app that we didn't know we needed but that we won't be able to live without

Ed from Coding Cod (the clever chaps who brought us the excellent LoopTree) shows us a utility app that I think you won't be able to live without. It's going to be free! How about that! And I bet that LoopTree is going to work rather splendidly with it.

What a brilliant idea guys!


Anonymous said...

Is there any difference to the (also free)
"Link to Midi" app that was released a while back?

ashley said...

Not sure I know that app. Did I post about it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash:)

Dunno if you did... Lol...

Happy new year tho;)

Anonymous said...

Either way, i strongly feel that midi clock should be sent into retirement and all timing should be handled by LINK.
Midi can now concentrate solely on data and not timing...
Win/win for the audio community...;)

mUsic83 said...

Can u post a link to the app ur speaking of? You've peaked my interest. I can't find it but it's probably on my end why i can't find or it's not in US Apple Store anymore like one of my fav apps Phaedra. Appzapp covers pretty wide spectrum and couldn't find it in there either. Thanks for any advice/hints u could shoot my way in hopes of locating the link to midi app.

Bianca said...

Link to midi from the fugue/Arpeggionome guys got pulled from App Store and is coming back as hardware midi only.

Does anyone else think the coding cod app dev is amazing similar to Michael from AB/Loopy ?

CodingCod said...

Thanks for the shout, Ashley.

Anonymous - MIDI Link Sync will work in either direction: allowing you to make Link run in time to a MIDI clock OR allowing you to output a MIDI clock that's in time with Link.

Anonymous said...

Thx for clearing things up, Cod:)

Anonymous said...

And also thx for the info, Bianca;)