iPhone App Directory

Pepp Prerelease Jam (video)

Video description:

"Celebrating the fast approaching release of Pepp with a quick jam session in the kitchen! Pepp is currently awaiting Apple review and will soon be available in the App Store. For more info check http://facebook.com/peppsynth"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope they do more of an overview, before the thing comes out, so we can get an idea of the main elements in the app.
Time and again, there are no tutorials, overviews or manuals and we're left to work it out for ourselves. Sometimes I quite enjoy that but not with practically every app. While I'm on the subject, could developers just make a downloadable PDF manual for their apps - I find it a chore to open an app, just to look at the in app help, usually in a small and narrow box??
Went a bit off-reservation there, I apologise.