iPhone App Directory

What's your app of the week?

What's the app that's been most useful or the most inspiring this week? Or maybe just the app that's been your work horse for the last few days. Tell me which one it is and why.


Ottorhin said...


Since last update or freemium to full app change, xynthesizr. I have found that "free or die" automata rules are pretty interesting and bring out nice tracks when you place oscillators (cell arrangements that loop across a set of alternative configurations), space ships (cells that move across the layout) and so on into the grid. The set of scales is also comprehensive.


Ottorhin said...

(hope not duplicating posts again)
Since last update, xynthesizr.
Nice set of predefined generation rules, you can provide your own.
Very flexible midi routing, allows you to send each octave to different synths, apps or external.
Interesting results mixing oscillators (patterns that loop through a set of predefined configurations) and spaceships (patterns that travel through the layout).
I had lots of fun this week with this, really.

Ottorhin said...

(hope not duplicating posts again)
Since last update, xynthesizr.
Nice set of predefined generation rules, you can provide your own.
Very flexible midi routing, allows you to send each octave to different synths, apps or external.
Interesting results mixing oscillators (patterns that loop through a set of predefined configurations) and spaceships (patterns that travel through the layout).
I had lots of fun this week with this, really.

Anonymous said...

Xynthesizr, indeed a very nice surprise, but Sector is insane, and my pick...