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Analog SoundLab in a Box Testdrive: Lazy Sequence 1

Video description:

Testdrive of an Analog SoundLab in a Box, featuring a custom-finished art box outfitted with two mounting board panels, two littleBits/Korg Synth Kits plus extra wire, inverter, dual OR, slide dimmer modules, and a littleBits-adapted adafruit Trinket ATtiny85 MCU sequencer. The Analog SoundLab assembly video sequence is backed by an excerpt of Big Badda Boom - The LeeLoo Mix, also featured in track 7 (Alien Shores 2 - Drum Summons) of Analog Planetfall by Oculo Rapido. All sonics and hacking perpetrated by Doktor Bob.

My comments:

I find this kind of thing quite interesting. Seeing where people are going with the littleBits synth kit and other modules and adding in micro-controller stuff too. I also like that this has been put in a box to make it as portable as possible. Nice touch.

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