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New features coming in SoundPrism

Audanika tweeted about the new features in their great app:

Some features of the upcoming version of SoundPrism: a better manual, ability to record graphical replays and Core MIDI (via USB, WIFI)

SoundPrism - Audanika GmbH

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Brad Spitt said...

Any idea when? I wanna love this app but I only, like it's charm so far. Core midi with this one sounds interesting.

EdASL said...

Been beta testing the MIDI capable version and its frankly superb - potentially a game changer for live performance and pretty handy in the studio too.

EdASL said...

Been beta testing the MIDI capable version and its frankly superb - potentially a game changer for live performance and pretty handy in the studio too.

Brad Spitt said...

Nice. Care to elaborate on the capabilities w/ midi a bit, like, how are you using it?