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Microsoft doesn't want open source in their store

Slashdot posts on Microsoft not wanting to accept open source in their equivalent on the App store. That's a shame.

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Tom said...


Why am I NOT surprised??!

M$ just don't get it, and they never will. RIP Microsoft.

Anonymous said...

with msx they had got it I think
long time ago

Anonymous said...

I have stuck up for Microsoft for years as a music maker against apple fan boys who incorrectly thought that macs were better for music making solely because they're... Macs.

But windows 7 is so clunky and their phone platform is totally uninspiring.. And literally years away from any sort of iOS brilliance for mobile beats.

I agree with Tom: RIP Microsoft!

johnnyg0 said...

This is just stupid from Microsoft. Especially since they spent the two last years pretending they were friendly with open-source. Maybe they'll change their decision (like some other company did with their own appstore), but they have done harm to their brand doing this.

Good thing the MS Appstore is not the only way to put apps on their devices.

But its sad to see that we live in a time where we are required to be hackers if we want to properly use the devices we bought.

Will said...

I'm no M$ fan but read the comments. It's specific to GPL type licenses and apple does the same thing. Indeed, it's against the GPL v3 to sell GPLv3 apps in an app store like microsoft's or apple's.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that both Microsoft and Apple insist on total control over what software you may put on your phone (or iPod or iPad in Apple's case).

You can think of GPL as a sort of canary in a coal mine. Microsoft's and Apple's control obsessions stink and are bad for people.

Anonymous said...

for example,
I've read that apple modified last ipodconnector so that you cant use a normal av- cable anymore but have to use theirs??
Isnt there a law against stuff like that?

johnnyg0 said...


But when Apple does it its all cool and all! ;)

The real problem is when computing platforms are locked to their vendors app stores.

There's no reason other than greed to block people from installing software they downloaded on the web.

"I've read that apple modified last ipodconnector so that you cant use a normal av- cable anymore but have to use theirs??"

You can't even use a ordinary microphone, you need to get an ipod microphone, or an adapter..