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iRig Mic - The first handheld microphone for your iPhone

I especially like the VocalLive suite.

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Anonymous said...

Phantom power? Does it use a battery? Does it suck the already minimal amount of power of your iPhone or Touch?

IK Multimedia said...

It is an electret condenser, and does not sap power from your device. The apps would be more of a concern, and are good on the battery especially for great-sounding audio apps

Darksound said...

I like the VocalLive idea as well but I'd rather not have to carry a mic. Kind of kills the stealth/portable thing.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, I agree a more novel device with a smaller form factor might have been more preferable (maybe look at the recent field recorder devices by tascam/zoom.

On the other hand, it's hard to expect IK Multimedia to do hardware R&D in addition to all the other stuff they do. Kudos to them for taking mobile music seriously. Seems like other established developers have dismissed it as not serious and unprofitable (e.g. izotope thinks it's for toys), which IMO is a major lack of foresight. I think you have to see the growth rate and projected computing capability, rather than focusing on the typical current use cases...

johnnyg0 said...


"Seems like other established developers have dismissed it as not serious and unprofitable (e.g. izotope thinks it's for toys)"

They're right, these are toys, but that doesn't mean toys cannot be profitable :)

I don't think any respectable musician would use the IOS version of Amplitube over the plugin version, mostly because IOS doesn't offer a 24-bit environment.

Anonymous said...

My point is - yes you could make an argument that yes, apps and hardware aren't currently on par with high-end recording yet, but there's a rapidly moving trajectory towards that, as well as new opportunities for innovation.

Dismissing the market because of how it happens to appear now would be like dismissing the internet in 1995 because you thought web content couldn't compete with television ... or for that matter dismissing IKM after amplitube 1 because the sound quality and latency was crappier than a real amp.

johnnyg0 said...


Its all about understanding the market. It doesn't mean every new market is good for everyone.

Moog sells Filtatron 5$ on IOS and Moogerfooger plugins for Pro-Tools for 600$. There's a market for both products. The question is how much they sold of each one, and how much profit both products generated.

Since most apps on IOS are less than 5$ I can understand why not everyone wants to get into a market where users think everything over 10$ is overpriced, especially when they are used to selling software for hundreds of dollars.